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Give Feedback

Want to give your feedback on the game? Could the website or documentation be improved? Let us know on any of the social channels above!

Report Bugs

If something isn't working quite right with the game, please submit a bug report so we can fix the issue!

Suggest Features

Have an idea on how to make the game better? Feel free to post your idea if it hasn't already been suggested!


Know a language other than English? Translate the project using Weblate to help make the game accessible to non-English speakers!

Submit Code

Used the Godot Engine and GDScript before? Help fix bugs or add new features by submitting a pull request!

The game is undergoing a full re-write for the v0.2.0 update. Pull requests are temporarily closed until the 0.2-rewrite branch has merged into master.

Submit Assets

Made your own custom assets? Share them with the community on the official forum, or if they are what we are looking for to include with the game, please submit them on GitHub!


Because the game is free to download and play, this project is funded purely by donations from people like you.

If you would like to help with the costs of running a server, if you enjoy playing the game, or if you like the fact that this game is free and open source, then please consider donating via the link below. All donations, no matter how big or small, are hugely appreciated, and go a long way to help with the development of the project!

Support me on Ko-fi